Monday, June 22, 2009

Bittorrent: Ghost leeching is not dead !

I'm sure that lot of you user the bittorrent protocol to download movies & music. You know, when you are on these trackers, you have to maintain a certain ratio, usually .75 or 1. However, this is almost impossible to have this ratio, unless you've a 100Mbit symmetric Internet connection.

Typical solutions are to "cheat", by modifying the request send to the tracker. This is extremely easy to do, so I won't dig in that. However, cheating is BAD, and trackers have mechanisms to detect cheaters. At that time, there was "Oink" which was well known for its "cheater paranoia", and had a very good mechanism to detect them. Well, I tried 3x to cheat on this tracker and I got fired right away.

When you are in a tracking system, there is a very simple equation that must be fulfilled, this is:

outgoing packets == incoming packets

In other words, if someone uploads something, some other client will download this same file and vice-versa. If there is more uploaded data than downloaded, it definitely means that someone is cheating. Actually, the tracker cannot be that rigorous because the announcement are not done at the same time, so it probably uses different heuristics to determine whether a user is a cheater or not.

Here comes the plan: let's officially download a file from the tracker. Once you are getting it, you save all the seeders that are offering you the file (do a netstat for instance). So now, you have a list of IP addresses. Now, you connect on an another machine (with a different IP), and you start downloading the same file, but this time, without contacting the tracker. Basically, you can just alter the torrent file. After that, you inject your peers previously saved to your bittorrent client and TADaaa, you start downloading.

So what will happen next ? The seeders (uploaders), will report to the tracker they have uploaded X bytes. It will work once, twice, but after a while, the tracker will see that the seeder is uploading too much data compared to the people being in the network and will eventually fire him.

For the experiment, I modified the ctorrent client to support peer injection (PI) and disable the communication to the tracker when using PI. The client downloads indefinitely when it is in PI mode, so the seeder will report a high amount of uploaded data.

Be careful not to use the PI mode on your own machine, because this is extremely easy to detect this kind of download.

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